Holiday antics: I wanted a video to send to grandkids - but ended up flipping over the handles of a seesaw

Watch as Lisa falls head first over the handlebars, catching the side of her head on the way down.

Video shows the hilarious moment a grandmother flipped over the handlebars while riding a seesaw.

Lisa Lloyd, 55, was on holiday in Corfu, Greece with her husband David, 58, a forklift driver, in May 2024.

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Grandmother flips over the handlebars of seesaw on holiday.Grandmother flips over the handlebars of seesaw on holiday.
Grandmother flips over the handlebars of seesaw on holiday. | SWNS

The couple decided to get their friend Paula, 57, to record them riding a seesaw so they could send the video to their grandkids. However, Lisa lost her balance while sitting at the highest point and fell over the handlebars and onto the ground - landing on her back. Lisa, who cut her ear in the fall, said David “panicked at first” but then they all laughed about it

Lisa, a security officer, from Feltham in Middlesex said: “I turned for the camera and my husband is a bigger person, so I sort of lost my balance and fell forward over the bars. I sort of just jumped off and my ear was bleeding. It left quite a gash but luckily it was not the face. Our grandkids are one, four, five and nine-years-old and they all found it hilarious.”



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