Scotland's greatest football players as top 50 of the last 50 years ranked and rated

We list the top 50 footballers from these shores – going back to 1974 to the present day

In the build-up to Euro 2024, The Scotsman has embarked on a project to list the top 50 Scotland players of the past 50 years.

This is not an easy exercise by any stretch of the imagination. There have been so many immensely talented football players to pull on the blue shirt of Scotland since 1974. Undoubtedly, this list will spark debate because many viewers are defined by their era, what they look for in a footballer and what their memories are of the national team. But that is the beauty of collating such a list – it is designed to get people thinking, to spark debate and recollections of some wonderful players to represent this country.

We run the list down from No 50 to No 1 and next week, we will release a two-part, 90-minute video with former Scotland winger and now pundit Pat Nevin, who in discussion with our chief football writer Alan Pattullo and sports editor Mark Atkinson picks his XI from our list that, in a hypothetical situation, would take on Germany in the Euro 2024 opener – and go on to win the tournament (maybe). Watch out for that landing on in the coming days.

So, without further ado, here is The Scotsman’s top 50 Scotland players from the past 50 years: