German woman sends touching message to Tartan Army fans on postcard sent to The Scotsman offices

The German fan said Scots had been “the best guests ever”

A German woman sent a postcard to The Scotsman, asking for the newspaper to pass on a touching message to Tartan Army fans who visited Germany during the Euro championships.

The writer, identifying herself only as Dagi, said she wanted to praise Scottish fans for “spreading good mood all over the place” while in Germany.

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She wrote: “Dear Scotsmen and women, your football team may not have won the match on Friday, but your fans have certainly won our hearts - spreading good mood all over the place. Thanks, you are the best guests ever.”

The postcard depicted a drawing of a seagull defecating, with the German words “Scheiss drauf!” - meaning “s*** on it”. Underneath the seagull, the woman handwrote the score from the opening Euro match against Germany, when the Scots lost 5-1.

She added: “Thank you for being loveable people and friends.”

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