Starmer: Labour government will not lift UK block on Scottish gender reforms

Leader tells journalists on visit to West Lothian: ‘There would be no change of position on that’

A UK Labour government would not lift the block on the Scottish Government’s controversial gender reforms, Sir Keir Starmer has said.

Under the leadership of Nicola Sturgeon, the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill was passed in Holyrood, but a Section 35 order was later issued by Scottish Secretary Alister Jack to stop the legislation receiving royal assent.

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Despite calls from the SNP and the Scottish Greens for a Starmer government to lift the block, the Labour leader told journalists on Friday he would not do so.

Labour Party leader Sir Keir Starmer during a visit to Window Supply Company in Bathgate, West Lothian, to campaign on Labour's plans to boost jobs and growth across Scotland, while on the General Election campaign trail. Photo: Jane Barlow/PA WireLabour Party leader Sir Keir Starmer during a visit to Window Supply Company in Bathgate, West Lothian, to campaign on Labour's plans to boost jobs and growth across Scotland, while on the General Election campaign trail. Photo: Jane Barlow/PA Wire
Labour Party leader Sir Keir Starmer during a visit to Window Supply Company in Bathgate, West Lothian, to campaign on Labour's plans to boost jobs and growth across Scotland, while on the General Election campaign trail. Photo: Jane Barlow/PA Wire

“No, there would be no change of position on that,” he said.

“I think there’s a lot to learn about gender self-ID from the way in which it’s been dealt with here Scotland, which is why we’ve got a different proposition in our manifesto.”

Sir Keir also categorically refused to participate in negotiations for another independence referendum if the SNP wins a majority of seats.Sir Keir was asked if he would deal with the Scottish Government if the threshold was met.

“No,” he said.

Referring to the difference in electing Labour MPs compared to SNP MPs, he added: “Send a government – don’t send a message.”

The Labour leader said First Minister John Swinney has “got his priorities wrong”.

This week, the First Minister urged Scots to vote for his party to put pressure on the next UK government to allow another independence referendum.

Speaking to journalists during a visit to Scotland, the Labour leader said: “I think he’s got his priorities wrong.”

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His priority was to ensure a “strong economy” and create jobs, Sir Keir said.

He added: “The ambition between the SNP and Labour is stark.

“We say elect Labour MPs in Scotland so they can sit at the heart of an incoming Labour government, bringing about the change that I think so many people in Scotland want.

“What the SNP says is send an MP to send a message, to sit literally on the opposition benches and shout across the aisle.”

The SNP said Sir Keir must be honest about the impact of Brexit on Scotland.The party’s Europe and EU Accession spokesperson, and candidate for Stirling and Strathallan, Alyn Smith said: “Brexit took a hammer to many of Scotland’s key industries, not least our research and development sector. The Tories were the architects of Brexit but the Labour's Party's bizarre position suggests that now that the damage is done we just have to live with it.

“In Scotland, there is a different choice and only a vote for the SNP offers an escape from that broken, Brexit Britain and a way back into the European Union with independence.

“After years of ignoring the pleas from the scientific community to rejoin the Horizon scheme, the UK government finally listened to the demands of experts and the SNP - but much of the damage done has been irreversible.

“For Keir Starmer to come to Scotland and act as if nothing has happened is a disgrace when he has been complicit in propping up the Brexit status quo that continues to level severe harm and cause a brain drain for key industries.”



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