Submit meter reading: millions of British households urged to send gas and electricity energy numbers online

🔋📉 Millions of households are being urged to submit meter readings as energy bills drop by 7%!
  • Millions of households should send energy meter readings to their suppliers as prices lower
  • The average household energy bill has decreased by 7% as of 1 July
  • Ofgem has lowered its price cap, saving households £122 annually
  • But analysts expect Ofgem to increase the cap again in October
  • Submitting meter readings ensures accurate billing and prevents overcharging.
  • Households without smart meters can provide readings online, or through phone, email or text, depending on their supplier

Around 10 million households are being advised to submit energy meter readings to their suppliers due to the implementation of reduced prices.

As of Monday (1 July), the average household energy bill has decreased by 7% following Ofgem's decision to lower its price cap in response to changes in wholesale prices.

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The regulator has reduced the cap from the previous £1,690 to £1,568 for a typical dual fuel household in England, Scotland and Wales, resulting in an annual saving of £122. This new cap is approximately £500 lower than the one set in July last year, which was £2,074.

The latest fall offers further relief to households given the previous quarter-on-quarter drop seen in April, but analysts have said they expect Ofgem to increase the price cap in October, before dropping it again in January 2025. Here is everything you need to know.

Why should I submit a meter reading?

(Photo: SUSANNAH IRELAND/AFP via Getty Images)(Photo: SUSANNAH IRELAND/AFP via Getty Images)
(Photo: SUSANNAH IRELAND/AFP via Getty Images) | AFP via Getty Images

Submitting a meter reading is a good idea because it ensures that your energy bill reflects your actual usage rather than an estimate, which can help you avoid being overcharged, especially when new price caps or rates come into effect.

Households on a standard variable tariff – as opposed to a fixed deal – and who do not have a smart meter should submit their electricity and gas readings to their supplier as close as possible to 1 July to ensure they are billed accurately at the lower prices.

Those who do not submit readings risk having some of their usage after this date charged at the previous, more expensive rates.

Suppliers who have not received meter readings base their bills on historical data, which might not accurately represent your current consumption, particularly if your energy usage patterns have changed. This means some households could be overpaying, while others may not be paying enough.

The average household is expected to spend £83 on energy in July, compared with £127 in June, due to the lower cap and lower usage due to warmer weather, comparison site Uswitch calculated.

Who should submit a reading?

Households without smart meters or pay-as-you-go meters, of which there are approximately 29 million in the UK, should provide readings.

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Those with smart meters don't need to submit readings as these are automatically sent to suppliers, but it is advisable to check that the meter is working correctly. Taking a photo of the meter reading on 1 July can also help to resolve any disputes if they arise at a later date.

Prepaid meter users also don’t need to submit readings, but energy paid for after 1 July will be cheaper, which might influence when you choose to top up - if you're running low, you might save money by waiting until after 1 July to top up.

How do I submit a meter reading?

Submitting a meter reading to your supplier is typically a straightforward process.

Most energy suppliers will have a customer portal on their website where you can log in to submit your meter reading. Look for a section like "Submit Meter Reading" or "Account Services."

If your supplier has a mobile app, you can also usually submit your meter reading through the app in a process similar to the online portal.

If apps and websites aren’t your thing, you can call your supplier's customer service number and provide your meter reading over the phone. but make sure to have your account number and meter reading handy.

Some suppliers accept meter readings via email, and certain suppliers even allow you to text your meter reading. Check your supplier’s website for the correct information on if you can do this, and how.

We'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences with energy meter readings. Have you noticed a difference in your bills, or do you have tips for ensuring accurate readings? Share your insights and questions in the comments section.



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