Master of horror Stephen King.Master of horror Stephen King.
Master of horror Stephen King. | AFP via Getty Images

Best Stephen King Books: These are the 13 best books by the King of Horror according to readers - including It

He’s one of the world’s most popular writers, but which of his works really do it for readers?

Since publishing his 1974 debut novel Carrie - a horror about a clairvoyant schoolgirl - in 1974 Stephen King has written over 65 novels and over 200 short stories.

His books have been turned into a multitude of Hollywood blockbuster, including The Shining, Stand by Me, Misery, The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile and It.

He’s wrote under the pseudonym Richard Bachman in a bid to break away from horror and has now published books in a number of genres, including his fantasy epic The Dark Tower.

With so many books to choose from, it’s hard for a Stephen King beginner to know where to start.

To help out, we’ve had a look at how the millions of readers of book website Goodreads have rated his books.

Here are the top 13.

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