Greens seek to woo disaffected SNP voters considering switch to Labour

The party urged independence supporters not to vote for Keir Starmer’s party

The Scottish Greens have launched a new campaign aimed at wooing disaffected SNP voters considering switching to Labour.

The party urged independence supporters not to be “fooled into backing the status quo”.

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In a strongly-worded open letter, the Greens said “billionaires want you to vote Labour” as well as “those committing genocide in Gaza”.

Patrick Harvie and Lorna Slater, the co-leaders of the Scottish GreensPatrick Harvie and Lorna Slater, the co-leaders of the Scottish Greens
Patrick Harvie and Lorna Slater, the co-leaders of the Scottish Greens

It comes with less than a week to go until polling day, with polls showing the SNP on course to shed seats in Scotland.

A recent poll by Savanta for The Scotsman found the SNP and Labour are neck and neck on vote share. However, the latter is still likely to win many more seats – 28 compared to the SNP’s 18 – due to the concentration of its support in the central belt.

The Greens want those thinking of switching support away from the SNP to vote for them as a pro-independence alternative.

The party’s open letter, which will be pushed on social media this weekend, reads: “We know that supporters of Scottish independence are desperate to see the end of this cruel and incompetent Tory government. Some are even considering switching to Labour to achieve this change.

"We want change too. But don’t be fooled into backing the status quo. Here are the facts: Billionaires want you to vote Labour. They’re lining up behind Keir Starmer – and who believes their donations don’t have strings attached?

“Those committing genocide in Gaza want you to vote Labour. Why wouldn’t they want a man in Number 10 who defended their ‘right’ to cut off water and energy supplies to civilians?

“Even the Tories want you to vote Labour. They’ve given up winning and some of their worst MPs have even been welcomed into Labour.

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“They want you to vote for the status quo. Labour will win the election regardless of what Scotland does. So use your vote to send a message.

“Vote Scottish Greens to reject Westminster rule, warmongering, Brexit and the climate crisis. Vote Scottish Greens to demand real change.

“Vote Scottish Greens for 100 per cent renewable energy. £28 billion a year for the green economy. A wealth tax on the top 1 per cent to fund climate action and public services like our NHS and schools. A compassionate nation that welcomes refugees and works for peace. An independent Scotland that ditches the monarchy and joins the European Union.

"This is your chance to vote for what you believe in. To vote with hope. Vote like your future depends on it. Vote Scottish Greens.”

Jackie Baillie, the deputy leader of Scottish Labour, said: "This election is an opportunity for change that we cannot afford to miss. This is a straight choice between a broken status quo with two bad governments, or change with Labour.

"Just imagine waking up on July 5 to five more years of this Tory government. The only way to make sure Scottish MPs are at the heart of the next UK government is by voting Scottish Labour."



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