Edinburgh Festival Fringe comedy reviews: Lou Wall vs The Internet | Chris Grace: As Scarlett Johansson | The Poor Rich | Stephen Buchanan: Charicature | Darran Griffiths: Inconceivable

A headlong audio-visual journey into the worlds of infatuation, professional rivalry and foot fetishes leads our latest round-up of Fringe comedy. Words by Jay Richardson and David Hepburn

Lou Wall vs The Internet ****

Assembly George Square Studios (Studio 4) (Venue 17) until 27 August

That the internet has radically rewired the human brain and relationships is hardly an original observation. But no-one, not Tim Berners-Lee, the greatest technophobe or tech-evangelist could have predicted the Pandora's Box it would become in Lou Wall's hands. Phrases like “jaw-dropping” are bandied about too easily at the Fringe. But Wall’s new show's extended introduction is a breathtaking, audio-visual assault that pins you hard to your seat and scarcely lets you reset your jaw at any moment before the end.