Woman gives birth to baby boy at Club3000 bingo in Blackpool as staff praised for calling ambulance

Eyes down! A woman has spoken of her delight as she gave birth to a healthy baby in a bingo hall car park

Tammy Hall was a couple of days overdue when she went for a bingo game at Club3000 in Blackpool.

But just before the late session got started, two cashiers found her in the ladies’ toilets, in some distress. The cashiers, Kairen Gardiner and Larry Elliot, stayed with her with Kairen holding her hand and making her sure she was comfortable while Larry, rang for an ambulance.

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As soon as the ambulance arrived, they escorted Tammy to the car park and within 30 minutes, little Teddie was born - the ambulance remained in the car park as there was no time to drive Tammy to the hospital, to deliver the 8lb 9oz baby.

Tammy, who is already a mother to three other children said: “I could not believe it, my mum said let’s go to the bingo tonight to get my mind off things as I was 2/3 days late. I thought I may win a prize and I certainly did, the biggest prize of all a new healthy baby boy. The staff were incredible and so calm and caring, a special thank you to Phil who realised I was in distress, Larry who then phoned the ambulance and Kairen who remained with me until the ambulance arrived”.

General manager Sean Connolly said: “What a night to remember, I would like to thank my team for making sure Tammy was comfortable before the ambulance came. We can’t wait to welcome Tammy back in the club very soon to celebrate”.