Safety concerns are raised about roundabout

A petition has been started calling for North Lanarkshire Council to action to improve safety at the Heathery Road roundabout in Wishaw.

The roundabout connects to a total of nine junctions and is located near a bus stop, University Hospital Wishaw and other amenities leading to high levels of traffic.

Wishaw councillor Fiona Fotheringham previously succeeded in having the safe walk to school routes reassessed which resulted in the roundabout being deemed unsafe for the children.

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Local residents now want the council to reduce the amount of traffic and improve safety for both drivers and pedestrians.

Jeanie Dunsmore, who started the petition, said: “We’re very concerned about road traffic management at the Heathery Road roundabout, we feel this is an accident waiting to happen here for both pedestrians and vehicles.

“We are demanding that the council look at this roundabout which has nine junctions coming off it and a general hospital, swing park, sports centre, McDonald’s, bus stops and schools all nearby.”

Motherwell and Wishaw MP Marion Fellows and Motherwell South East and Ravenscraig councillor Agnes Magowan have both given their backing to the petition.

In addition they have co-signed a letter to council leader Jim Logue and chief executive Des Murray to call for a safety review of the roundabout.

Mrs Fellows said: “The Heathery Road roundabout has been causing concern amongst the community for a long time.

North Lanarkshire Council needs to look seriously at how safety can be improved.

“With nine junctions leading onto it and a bus stop and hospital nearby, it’s an extremely busy junction for motorists and pedestrians.

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“People have said they have seen a number of near misses and believe it’s only a matter of time until a serious incident happens.