Why the SNP does not speak for Scotland – Pamela Nash

The SNP delegates gathering at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre this weekend are out of touch with reality, according to Pamela Nash (Picture: John Devlin)The SNP delegates gathering at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre this weekend are out of touch with reality, according to Pamela Nash (Picture: John Devlin)
The SNP delegates gathering at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre this weekend are out of touch with reality, according to Pamela Nash (Picture: John Devlin)
The priorities of SNP delegates gathering at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre for their party conference are at odds with the people of Scotland, writes Pamela Nash.

AS senior SNP politicians deliver their conference speeches today, it is increasingly obvious that they are talking only to their party – not to the country.

The same was true with Nicola Sturgeon’s statement to parliament earlier this week, when she set out her latest proposals for breaking up the UK.

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She didn’t talk about the crisis in education. Or the crisis in our hospitals. Or the crisis on our railways.

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For the SNP, it is independence first, second and always.

No matter how loud the applause in the Edinburgh International Conference Centre is this weekend, Nationalist politicians would do well to understand that their own priorities are at odds with the people of Scotland.

We know this from the latest opinion polling published this week.

Voters were asked to rank issues in order of which they thought should be the most important for the Scottish Government to prioritise.

The NHS was ranked in the top three by 71 per cent of respondents, with the cost of living on 38 per cent, the economy on 37 per cent, and education on 35 per cent.

Constitutional affairs and independence scored just nine per cent.