Police call in army to investigate bomb alert

A BOMB hoax which saw part of Gayfield Square closed off is being investigated by police.

Army bomb disposal experts based at Craigiehall in Edinburgh were called out just after 9am yesterday, after police were alerted to a "suspicious package" in the area.

The area – just opposite Gayfield Police Station – was taped off by officers, who also attempted to keep rush-hour commuters waiting for buses as far back from the scene as possible.

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Officers were seen at one point stopping a man and searching his backpack, although it was not clear whether he had any connection to the incident.

Within half an hour, however, the army experts had determined there was no threat, and the square was opened up.

The incident is now being treated as a hoax call, as the person who initially reported the package did not give a name.

Officers said they could not discuss details of what exactly was found at the scene, but said it was not suspicious, and so they felt this was a malicious hoax.

A police spokesman said: "Lothian and Borders Police responded to the Gayfield Square area of Edinburgh around 9am following reports of a suspicious package.

"The Explosive Ordinance Disposal Unit were also in attendance before the incident was confirmed as a hoax.

"Inquiries are now ongoing to determine the circumstances surrounding the package's discovery."

Local resident David Ness was among those caught up in the hoax, after police sealed in his car.

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