Readers' letters: Rees-Mogg is wrong on flexible working

Jacob Rees-Mogg, Brexit Opportunities MinisterJacob Rees-Mogg, Brexit Opportunities Minister
Jacob Rees-Mogg, Brexit Opportunities Minister
There is little doubt that Jacob Rees-Mogg, the PM’s greatest defender and self proclaimed constitutional expert, has over stepped the mark with his condescending desk notes to civil servants working from home stating “sorry you were out when I visited” and “look forward to seeing you very soon”.

Flexible working for those juggling lifestyle priorities is now seen as a work life balance necessity and many talented people will simply walk from jobs that don’t offer that option

It’s yet another example of the neanderthal thinking of a man who needs to wake up and realise he lives in the 21st century rather than 19th and do an honest day’s work rather than criticise progress.This comes after his claim that the highly respected historian and constitutional expert Lord Hennessy was mistaken to directly link the violation of the ministerial code with the constitution.

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