Iran: Joe Biden's new US administration must not join Europe appeasing the despotic regime in Tehran – Struan Stevenson

The head of the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran, Ali Akbar Salehi, left, meets the visiting Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency Rafael Grossi in Tehran in February (Picture: AFPTV/pool/AFP via Getty Images)The head of the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran, Ali Akbar Salehi, left, meets the visiting Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency Rafael Grossi in Tehran in February (Picture: AFPTV/pool/AFP via Getty Images)
The head of the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran, Ali Akbar Salehi, left, meets the visiting Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency Rafael Grossi in Tehran in February (Picture: AFPTV/pool/AFP via Getty Images)
After spending most of last week in Brussels, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken will be reporting back to President Biden on the progress of a shared US-EU approach to the Iranian regime and its clandestine attempts to build a nuclear weapon.

Hopefully he will have decided further appeasement of the mullahs’ theocratic regime is not only pointless, but dangerous.

Tony Blinken attended high-level meetings with Nato and EU officials. The European External Action Service and its top diplomat, the Spanish socialist Josep Borrell, will have confirmed their priority foreign policy objective, the rapid re-instatement of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) nuclear deal.

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