Bill Jamieson: Expert guidance on hand to chart course through troubled waters

FOR anyone saving for retirement or who has money invested in an individual savings account (ISA), this has been a heart-stopping year – and the outlook is as uncertain as ever.

A recovery from the 2008-09 financial crisis has been stopped dead in its tracks – and reversed. The UK stock market suffered a series of swift and searing reversals, which took share prices down by almost 20 per cent at one point.

Diversification into overseas and emerging market funds has offered no escape. A credit rating downgrade for America, growing signs of a slowdown in China, and in the eurozone a sovereign debt crisis that threatens to engulf the continent have drained confidence.

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The FTSE 100 index, having risen above 6,000 at the start of the year, tumbled below 4,000 at one point. In the past two weeks a tentative, febrile rally has set in. The index has traced a 10.5 per cent recovery in eight trading sessions. Last Friday it gained 63 to close at 5,466.4 on hopes that eurozone leaders are being forced closer towards action to resolve a sovereign debt and banking collapse.