Firm requests refund for health ad on taxi

An advertising firm has asked to be able to display an advert for a health charity for free on a city taxi.

Ad-Cab has requested that the ÂŁ169 taxi advertising application fee is waived for its advert for Prostate Scotland, which provides information, advice and help on diseases of the prostate.

The firm has requested that the licensing sub-committee of the city council’s regulatory committee refunds the fee that it has paid. In a letter to councillors, Ad-Cab boss Gary Watson said: “We at Ad-Cab have lowered our costs for this project to only printing and fitting.

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“The client is a registered charity and we would be most pleased if the committee could refund the council fees for this campaign.”

Officials have recommended the fee is refunded, although councillors will make a decision at a meeting in the City Chambers on November 16.