Sir Alex Ferguson and Liverpool star Andy Roberson join virtual gala to help Scots in need

Sir Alex Ferguson will deliver a video message to the virtual black tie gala dinner.Sir Alex Ferguson will deliver a video message to the virtual black tie gala dinner.
Sir Alex Ferguson will deliver a video message to the virtual black tie gala dinner. | JPIMedia
A social enterprise which supports homeless and disadvantaged people across Scotland using the power of football has enlisted the help of Liverpool and Scotland star Andy Robertson and former Manchester United manager, Sir Alex Ferguson, for its first ever virtual black tie gala dinner during the coronavirus lockdown.

Street Soccer Scotland will bring together the well-known football figures with some of Scotland’s leading entertainers to help raise vital funds as the outbreak continues.

The organisation, which works across Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen, and Dundee, has enlisted chef, Nick Nairn, to produce a bespoke digital menu for the occasion.

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Although the guests will be meeting one another online, Mr Nairn will be offering them cookery classes in advance to ensure they can recreate and enjoy a selection of courses on the night.

Since the lockdown came into force, Street Soccer Scotland has distributed over a thousand meals each week to those in poverty or dealing with social isolation.

It hopes the virtual gala, which will be attended by its players and coaches, will help raise much needed funds.

Along with Mr Robertson, a Champions League-winner, who will take part in a questions and answer session, others taking part include Greg McHugh, the star of the BBC Scotland comedy, Gary Tank Commander, singer-songwriter, Tom Greenan, and philanthropist, Sir Tom Hunter.

Sir Alex will also send his support by providing a special message on the night.

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Speaking ahead of the event, which takes place on 30 May, David Duke, the founder and CEO of Street Soccer Scotland, said: “The gala dinner is a highlight for our players, our coaches and our supporters.

“It’s one of the rare occasions we can take the time to thank everyone who supports us and enables us to make a real difference to the everyday lives of people in Scotland.

“Obviously the current lockdown means we can’t go ahead as planned, but we don’t want to disappoint and have put together an incredible line up of chefs, footballers, managers, comedians and entertainers to ensure that everyone has a great night in. It’s exactly what’s needed right now.”

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Mr Nairn, who became the youngest Scottish chef to win a Michelin star in the early 1990s, said: “I am delighted to be able to offer my support to Street Soccer Scotland and create a delicious menu for families to enjoy as part of the gala dinner at home experience.

“I look forward to seeing everyone’s efforts on the night and hope guests enjoy this unique event.”

Organisers are urging guests to dress up for a night in, with tickets offering an unlimited number of guests, as long as they are within the same household.

Tickets, which cost £50 per household, can be booked via

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