Lecture series highlights unique dyslexic minds

A series of lectures on the uniqueness of dyslexic minds will be rolled out by Dyslexia Scotland this summer.

A series of lectures on the uniqueness of dyslexic minds will be rolled out by Dyslexia Scotland this summer.

Led by prominent experts and influencers, the talks will give insights into the ‘different thinking’ that people with dyslexia possess and the ways this shapes their lives and careers.

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The first in the series of four sees dyslexic singer-songwriter Jennifer Ewan talk about her unconventional approach to reading and playing music.

Jennifer EwanJennifer Ewan
Jennifer Ewan

The talented singer-songwriter admits that because of the limits placed on her in the classroom and teachers’ typical approaches to music, “I could easily never have found out I was good at music.”

Dyslexia Scotland Chief Executive Cathy Magee said, “Dyslexic minds are brilliant yet so misunderstood.. This lecture series will bring a new kind of awareness - into the importance of having different thinkers in our establishments, teams and communities. Jennifer is a prime example of why we need to nurture dyslexic minds - she excels as a musician, songwriter and storyteller because she approaches her craft in a completely different way to how most people are taught. If you want to understand dyslexia and its strengths, then this lecture series will completely open your mind to the dyslexic brain and its incredible strengths.”

Subsequent talks in the series feature professional mountain bike racer Katy Winton, television producer and creator of CBeebies series JoJo and GranGran. Leading Orthoptist Nadia Northway will explain about visual issues in relation to dyslexia.

This live and unrecorded series forms part of the strategy for a dyslexia-friendly Scotland by informing the wider public about the nature and value of dyslexic minds to our progressive society.

The four-part series opens with Jennifer Ewan and Kim Tebble in conversation with John Devine on 22 May, 7 to 8pm online.

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