Film reviews: The Stone Roses: Made Of Stone | Thérèse Desqueyroux | 009 Re: Cyborg | The Last Exorcism: Part ll

The rest of this week’s film releases reviewed by Siobhan Synnot

The Stone Roses: Made 
Of Stone (15)

Star ratign: * * *

Director Shane Meadows is a huge Stone Roses fan, and his documentary about the band’s preparations for a 2012 reunion warmly reflects the devotion of their following. Queuing for their first gig 
in 20 years, a deputy headteacher confesses to being so desperate for a ticket that he offered his car and a job as bribes – and had no takers. But the camera fails to access all areas, content to hang around rehearsals like a star-struck groupie; and when drummer Reni walks off the tour, Meadows’ reluctance to probe becomes pretty unforgivable. A baggy hagiography aimed at the diehards.