Art: Greek fire still burns bright

WHEN Music Theatre Wales (MTW) laid out plans for its new UK-wide touring production of Mark-Anthony Turnage’s 1988 opera Greek, any thoughts of art imitating life, at least in a direct contemporary sense, must have seemed a million miles away.

For Greek – based on Steven Berkoff’s Oedipal plot and adapted into Estuary English vernacular by librettist Jonathan Moore and the composer himself – is an opera that made its mark as a dissenting child of its time; a brutal depiction of Thatcherite Britain, set against the violent unrest of the miners’ strike and inner city riots of the 1980s.

Eddy, the dysfunctional hero, swears like a trooper, suffers police brutality, is generally angry and frustrated with his lot, and in a final note of defiance hollers “bollocks to all that” at his own funeral. Not for nothing has it been compared to an explosive episode of EastEnders.

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