Stewart Milne rules out Aberdeen staying at Pittodrie

Stewart Milne insists Aberdeen will definitely move to a new stadium, despite the project being put on hold. Picture: SNS.Stewart Milne insists Aberdeen will definitely move to a new stadium, despite the project being put on hold. Picture: SNS.
Stewart Milne insists Aberdeen will definitely move to a new stadium, despite the project being put on hold. Picture: SNS.
Stewart Milne’s New Year message to Aberdeen supporters is that new chairman Dave Cormack will definitely deliver their new £45 million stadium despite the latest delay in moving from Pittodrie.

Milne stepped down as chairman last month after finally seeing the completion of the Dons’ training ground, which has been named Cormack Park after his successor.​

The hope was the adjoining state-of-the-art 21,000 capacity stadium at the Kingsford complex on the outskirts of the city would be ready for the start of the 2023-24 season.​ That’s now been put on hold, one reason being the value of Pittodrie slipping from £20m to just under £12m.​