Iraq state killings ‘may constitute war crimes’

Nouri al-Maliki: prime minister shrugged off calls to step aside. Picture: GettyNouri al-Maliki: prime minister shrugged off calls to step aside. Picture: Getty
Nouri al-Maliki: prime minister shrugged off calls to step aside. Picture: Getty
IRAQI government forces and associated militias have executed at least 255 Sunni prisoners in the past month, according to a report by Human Rights Watch.

The group said it found evidence of summary killings by the army and militias in six locations since 9 June. The killings are thought to be brutal retaliation for attacks by the jihadist Islamic State in Iraq and al Sham (Isis), HRW said.

The prisoners were all Sunni Muslims, while the majority of security forces and militia were Shia, researchers said.