Plain cigarette packets in Scotland a step closer

Stubbed out: Cigarette packaging like this will be a thing of the past. Picture: GettyStubbed out: Cigarette packaging like this will be a thing of the past. Picture: Getty
Stubbed out: Cigarette packaging like this will be a thing of the past. Picture: Getty
STANDARDISED cigarette packets are set to be introduced north of the border after the scheme was given the green light by Westminster politicians.

A majority vote in favour of plain packaging - which will see every packet of cigarettes looking exactly the same except for the make and brand name - in the House of Commons has paved the way for the same move to be taken in Scotland, where the government said it would implement standardised packets if it was approved south of the border.

The packages, which will show no branding or advertising, will also boast graphic pictures accompanying health warnings. Darker colours - olive green is proposed - are believed to be favoured over white for the packets themselves.

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The decision has been long opposed by the tobacco industry, which has claimed it would not affect smoking rates and could increase the illegal black market sale of cigarettes.

A review of a consultation carried out by Westminster in 2012 by paediatrician Sir Cyril Chantler ruled last year that it was very likely the change would lead to a small but important reduction in the uptake and prevalence of smoking.

Sheila Duffy, chief executive of anti-smoking lobby group ASH Scotland, welcomed the decision, which will see plain packaging brought in by 2016.

She said: “With 367 MPs in favour and only 113 against, the decision marks a momentous success for those who have campaigned for this vital public health measure, which will cut the number of young people lured into addiction by flashy cigarette packs.

“It also underlines the dramatic failure of the tobacco industry’s long and costly bid to derail the introduction of plain packs through a strategy of misinformation, including alarmist claims the move would increase the amount of counterfeit tobacco and damage trade in shops.”

She added: “MPs must be congratulated for ignoring those bogus assertions and for instead listening to the wishes of the public, who are strongly in favour of standardised packaging.”

The Irish Republic passed a similar law earlier this month, while Australia has had plain packaging in place since 2012.

In Scotland, tobacco kills more than 13,000 people a year, costing the NHS around £500 million. Scotland was the first country in the UK to commit to bringing in plain packaging and was also the first to implement the ban on smoking in public places in 2006.

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MSP Maureen Watt, minister for public health, said: “I am delighted that, following calls from the Scottish Government, standardised tobacco packaging has been approved by MPs today. We strongly support this measure, which we believe will greatly decrease the appeal of tobacco products, particularly to young people.

“We want to create a tobacco-free generation in Scotland by 2034, and this is one of several measures that will help to turn that into a reality. We need bold steps if we are to bring about the complete culture change we need.”

She added: “The Scottish Parliament has already agreed that this legislation will apply in Scotland if approved at a UK level.”

The decision is still awaiting final approval from the House of Lords.

British Lung Foundation chief executive Dr Penny Woods said: “With over two-thirds of smokers picking up the deadly habit before the age of 18, we now look to the House of Lords to give this legislation the final parliamentary stamp of approval. The moment tobacco companies are finally denied the right to use glitzy packaging to recruit new smokers will be a moment of celebration for those who care about public health.”