Labour face near wipe out in next General Election

SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon. Picture: Lisa FergusonSNP leader Nicola Sturgeon. Picture: Lisa Ferguson
SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon. Picture: Lisa Ferguson
THE Labour party in Scotland faces near annihilation in the next general election, according to the latest Ipsos Mori poll.

Labour in Scotland would be left with just four Scottish seats if there was a General Election now, according to new IPSOS Mori poll commissioned for STV.

The Ipsos Mori survey shows Labour would poll 23 per cent of the Scottish vote, a level of support that translates to just four seats in Scotland.

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In comparison, support for the SNP has surged to 52 per cent, giving them a projected 54 of the 59 Scottish seats at Westminster. The Liberal Democrats would have one and the Conservative party would be left without any Scottish MPs.


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The poll of 1,026 people, put the SNP at 52 per cent, Scottish Labour at 23 per cent, Scottish Conservatives 10 per cent, Scottish Liberal Democrats six per cent, Scottish Green Party six per cent, Ukip two per cent and one per cent support for others.

The poll was carried out between October 22 and 29 as the row broke over leadership of the Scottish Labour party. They were asked how they would vote if there was a general election tomorrow.

Jim Murphy, Sarah Boyack and Neil Findlay have declared that they are running in the race to replace Johann Lamont as Scottish Labour leader.

Ms Lamont quit claiming the Ed Miliband was treating the Scottish Labour Party as a “branch office”.

Gordon Macmillan, Head of News at STV, said: “This is the first in a series of polls that will track voting intentions in the run up to the General Election in 2015. STV is committed to delivering all the latest political news and analysis for viewers and this poll result indicates the significant impact the referendum debate has had on the political debate in Scotland.”


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