Obituary: Rev Colin Anderson, minister

Former chaplain to Glasgow University who lived his mission to serve the poor

Rev Colin Anderson, minister.

Born: 10 May, 1937, in Kilmacolm.

Died: 29 May, 2011, in Glasgow, aged 74.

The death of Colin Anderson marks the loss of one of the Kirk's most distinguished ministers.

Colin McEwen Anderson was born in Kilmacolm, where his father was a chief inspector of schools. There were Glasgow and church connections. His mother's family included AR MacEwen, minister of the Park Church and then Professor of Church History in Glasgow University. From Glasgow Academy Colin went on to read classics at Christ's College, Cambridge, and then to national service as a lieutenant in Cyprus, in the education branch of the 2nd Parachute Regiment. Going into human resources management he felt increasingly that the workers needed support more than the employers.

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