Man facing deportation jailed for imitation gun stunt

Dundee Sheriff Court, where Stec was sentencedDundee Sheriff Court, where Stec was sentenced
Dundee Sheriff Court, where Stec was sentenced
A MAN who showed nightclub bouncers an imitation handgun he had tucked in his waistband after he was refused entry to the club has been jailed.

Dawid Stec sparked a major incident outside Dundee’s Club Tropicana nightspot - with armed cops rushing to the scene.

Despite the seriousness of the situation Stec - who faces deportation to his native Poland after being convicted there of a serious assault in his absence - stood laughing throughout his arrest.

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Stec was handed a four-month jail term over the stunt - and told it would have been far longer had he not been facing deportation.

A sheriff told him: “You are wanted by the Polish justice system. I want to get the Scottish system out of the way as quickly as possible.”

Fiscal depute Charmaine Gilmartin told Dundee Sheriff Court: “The accused and friends were seen acting strangely outside the club, exaggerating their movements and bumping into people.

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“They left to join the queue at Liquid nightclub nearby but were refused entry.

“They walked the short distance back to Liquid and started acting oddly again.

“The accused walked towards the Hilton hotel across the street and lifted his top, showing what appeared to be a gold coloured handgun, which fell to the ground.

“It made a metallic sound when it hit the ground.

“He started to walk away but door staff ran over and grabbed him while others contacted police.

“Officers arrived and saw the handgun on the ground.

“The accused found it funny and laughed throughout his arrest.

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“Firearms officers then attended and declared the item safe.

“It was later examined and found to be an air soft pistol designed to shoot 6mm ball bearings and with the appearance of an American made Colt pistol.”

Stec, 24, of Main Street, Dundee, pleaded guilty on indictment to having possession of an imitation firearm without lawful authority on March 4 2017 in South Ward Road, Dundee.

Defence solicitor Scott Norrie said: “He was out with friends drinking and this item was found by one of his friends.

“He didn’t appreciate his actions were clearly going to cause alarm.”

Sheriff Alastair Brown jailed Stec for four months, reduced from six for his early guilty plea.

He said: “Had it not been for the European Arrest Warrant proceedings I would have been imposing a longer sentence.”

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