COP26 RECAP: Five arrests made after Extinction Rebellion protests | Prince of Wales meets Leonardo DiCaprio | Nessie arrested

Today marks the third day world leaders will gather at the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow following Scotland winning an award for climate action.

Scotland was awarded the Climate Action Network's 'Ray of the Day' award, after Nicola Sturgeon committed £1 million to help developing countries affected by climate change.

Yesterday Boris Johnson claimed he is “cautiously optimistic” over progress made at COP26 as he warned world leaders they must not think the job is done.

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COP26 RECAP: Extinction Rebellion protests underway in Glasgow | Joe Biden leaves Scotland | Nessie arrested

Joe Biden departing from Edinburgh airport on Tuesday night

Scotland wins Climate Action Network's 'Ray of the Day' award for creating £1 million fund for developing countries hit worst by climate change

Scotland was awarded the Climate Action Network’s ‘Ray of the Day’ away, after Nicola Sturgeon committed £1 million to help developing countries affected by climate change.

Climate Action Network (CAN) celebrated Scotland for the action, and also awarded India with a ‘Ray of the Day’ certificate for its commitment to meet 50 per cent of its renewable energy requirements by 2030.


Boris Johnson 'cautiously optimistic' over COP26 progress, but warns leaders must not think 'job is done'

Boris Johnson has claimed he is “cautiously optimistic” over progress made at COP26 as he warned world leaders they must not think the job is done.

The Prime Minister claimed humanity had “pulled back a goal” against climate change in a stark contrast from his gloomy predictions just days earlier at the summit in Glasgow.


COP26 queues ‘really concerning’ amid pandemic, public health expert warns

Seeing huge queues of people waiting to get into COP26 is “really concerning” amid the pandemic, a public health expert has said.

The UN climate change conference at the SEC in Glasgow was hit by a second day of queuing on Tuesday, with crowds waiting for more than an hour to get inside.

Professor Devi Sridhar, a professor of global public health at the University of Edinburgh, said seeing pictures of hundreds of people in close proximity has left her anxious knowing how “fragile” the situation has been.


Glasgow City Council refuse workers strike

Glasgow City Council refuse workers are striking during COP26 over a pay offer from local authority body COSLA.

Wednesday marked the third day of strikes. They were joined by other unions from around the world and climate activists.

Europe can expect ‘Lucifer’ 50C heatwaves every three years - Met Office warns

The Met Office has revealed new analysis which suggests Europe can expect “Lucifer” heat waves every three years, as climate change continues to affect weather patterns.

Temperatures of nearly 50°C will be felt across many countries every 36 months, in what was previously a one-in-10,000-year event.


Public investment alone cannot beat climate change says Rishi Sunak

Chancellor Rishi Sunak has told the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow that more public investment is needed to fight climate change, but that governments also need help from the private sector.

“Public investment alone isn’t enough, so our second action is to mobilise private finance,” he said as the conference’s finance day kicked off.

It comes as the Chancellor announced that financial institutions controlling 40 per cent of global assets will align themselves to the Paris Agreement’s 1.5C limit for global warming.

“Six years ago Paris set the ambition. Today in Glasgow we’re providing the investment we need to deliver that ambition,” he said.



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