Benefits boss stole £68k from council to pay debts

A COUNCIL revenue and benefits boss embezzled nearly £70,000, a court has heard.

Sally Birnie, 42, who was employed as a section leader within Edinburgh City Council's finance department, paid the cash into accounts which had bogus names for five years.

Fiscal depute Gerard Drugan told the court yesterday she was in a supervisory position which gave her the authority to grant payments to bank accounts.

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Mr Drugan said Birnie was caught when a revenue and benefits officer spotted an irregularity for a claim for benefits for a woman in a hostel.

During a disciplinary hearing Birnie admitted what she had done and was dismissed.

When interviewed by police Birnie said she had found herself in serious debt including loans for a sister who passed away and credit card bills.

Birnie, of Marchbank Gardens, Balerno, admitted embezzling 67,780.31 between 1 September, 2003, and 3 November, 2008.