12 of Scotland's unique Halloween traditions - and their origins

Picture: TSPLPicture: TSPL
Picture: TSPL
If you've been guising or carved a turnip lantern, then you'll have celebrated Halloween in Scotland - but what are the origins of these traditions?

Children and adults alike are looking forward to another night of fancy-dress at the end of the month, with many continuing customs that originated in Scotland in Medieval times. Traditionally held from sunset on 31 October, Samhain was believed to be a time where the boundaries between the real world and the other world of witches, fairies and ghouls were at their weakest. As undead souls were believed to roam freely on the 31st, Scots would leave an empty chair and food on the table to pacify any potential nocturnal visitors. From ancient folklore to more modern traditions, we take a look at celebrating Halloween in Scotland.

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