Coronavirus in Scotland: Police without protective kit coughed at by self-isolating suspects

Morale of police is suffering, say the SPFMorale of police is suffering, say the SPF
Morale of police is suffering, say the SPF
Scottish Police Federation warning over lack of sanitiser, gloves and masks

FRONTLINE cops are being put in harm's way by a lack of protective kit to guard them from coronavirus, their union has warned.

The Scottish Police Federation reported officers splitting up fights in supermarkets and even being coughed on by self-isolating suspects.

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East Area Committee chair Andy Malcolm said the global shortage of hand sanitiser, masks and gloves is being felt in the Capital

“We’re seeing more and more officers responding to incidents where people are self-isolating," said Mr Malcolm.

“Police are called to deal with it but they don’t have the personal protection equipment. In certain cases, they’ll cough on an officer deliberately, there’s no doubt about it.”

With no Covid-19 tests apart from in hospitals, Mr Malcolm says officers have no choice but to self-isolate themselves if they show symptoms, putting extra strain on the force.

“There are more and more domestic incidents or mental health incidents where people are threatening to self-harm and are displaying the symptoms," he added.

"Police are contacted and they have to go to protect life - it starts affecting people's morale.

“There’ve been cases of people falling out in national parks and crashing cars or people attacking supermarket staff because they can’t get what they want.”