Compact crossword - The Scotsman 04/01/2013

Friday’s puzzle...


1 Group of sheep (5)

7 Commotion (8)

8 Calamari (5)

10 Driven by an irresistible impulse (10)

12 Heat-resistant material (8)

14 Engrave (4)

16 Oblique (4)

17 Delays (8)

20 Garden climber (10)

23 Tropical fruit (5)

24 Brought forward (8)

25 Flat (5)


1 Board over a shop-front (6)

2 Stylish (4)

3 Feeble person (4)

4 Merry (5)

5 Added ingredient (9)

6 (Half of) lower garment (6)

9 Use the divining-rod (5)