Why booking a flight on a Monday could save you money

Mondays may be a drag for some, but the first day of the week is the ideal time to think ahead to life away from the 9-to-5 grind.

According to flight comparison website Skyscanner, booking flights on a Monday can save jet setters money.

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Due to the constantly varying prices of flights it is possible to take advantage and grab yourself a bargain.

Looking at data over three years (2015-2017) it was found that those who booked their tickets on a Monday were paying 5% less than fellow travellers.

On a £500 flight that would represent a saving of £25.

Cheaper to travel on a Friday

Skyscanner also found that the cheapest time to travel abroad - perhaps surprisingly - was a Friday.

According to the same data, holidaymakers travelling on a Friday could expect to save on average 18% compared to those departing on a Sunday, the most expensive day for travel.

That saving of 18% along with the 5% saved by booking flights on a Monday could represent a sizeable saving - particularly for those heading further afield.

Skyscanner's "Best time to book" app allows travellers to compare the cheapest flight times (Photo: Shutterstock)

How far in advance should I book my flights?

In the weeks and months leading up to a flight, prices fluctuate dramatically.

According to Hopper, a holiday deal comparison site, the optimum time to book your holiday abroad ranges from 25 days to 150 days in advance.

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While flights become available up to 11 months before takeoff, they note that flight prices typically only start to dip five months before departure.

They do, however, note that travellers shouldn't leave it too late to book their travel, as prices typically soar in the three weeks leading up to departure.

The exact time to book varies dramatically depending on your choice of destination.

However, Skyscanner's "best time to book" flight checker provides accurate data on the cheapest weeks for flying on a number of UK routes.

So remember, next time you're planning a holiday abroad: book on a Monday, fly out on a Friday, and book at least three weeks in advance.