No Heathrow link costs Inverness 50k passengers

Inverness Airport loses passengers to other Scottish airports over the lack of a Heathrow link. Picture: Public DomainInverness Airport loses passengers to other Scottish airports over the lack of a Heathrow link. Picture: Public Domain
Inverness Airport loses passengers to other Scottish airports over the lack of a Heathrow link. Picture: Public Domain
INVERNESS Airport is losing over 50,000 passengers a year to other Scottish airports through the lack of a link with Heathrow, a new survey has revealed.

• SCDI study shows workers switch Scottish airports rather than taking London transfer

• Inverness-Heathrow flight lost in 1997

The study by the Scottish Council for Development and Industry (SCDI) shows how thousands of workers in the north travel to other airports to fly direct to Heathrow instead of transferring within London.

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