Sturgeon says UK government is in '˜utter chaos' after Davis resignation

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon described the incident as a 'shambles'. Picture: Jane Barlow/PA WireFirst Minister Nicola Sturgeon described the incident as a 'shambles'. Picture: Jane Barlow/PA Wire
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon described the incident as a 'shambles'. Picture: Jane Barlow/PA Wire
Nicola Sturgeon has stated that the UK government is in 'utter chaos' following the resignation of the Brexit Secretary David Davis.

The First Minister wasn’t holding back on her condemnation of the Conservative government following the news that Davis had handed in his resignation, plunging Prime Minister Theresa May into a fresh leadership crisis.

• READ MORE: David Davis warns UK is ‘giving away too much in Brexit talks’

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Retweeting a BBC news report on Davis’ decision to walk away, the First Minister added: “The #chequers unity didn’t last long. This UK government is in utter chaos and ebbing authority by the day. What a shambles. #DavidDavis“

Ian Blackford, the SNP’s Commons leader, then followed up with a tweet that read: “It took the Tories two years to come up with a proposal and two days for it to fall apart!”

They weren’t the only ones to criticise the UK government.

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn stated that Davis making this decision showed that Theresa May has “no authority left” and is “incapable of delivering Brexit”.

He said: “With her Government in chaos, if she clings on, it’s clear she’s more interested in hanging on for her own sake than serving the people of our country.”

While The Liberal Democrats, who back a second referendum on Brexit, stated on Twitter: “The resignation of David Davis is yet more evidence of the chaos of this Tory Brexit. You deserve the final say on this shambolic Brexit with the chance to stay in the EU.”

Explaining his decision, David Davis stated in a letter to Mrs May that “the general direction of policy” will leave the UK in “at best a weak negotiating position, and possibly an inescapable one”.

He was supported by Arch-Brexiteer Jacob Rees-Mogg who, while speaking in an interview with BBC Radio 5 live, stated that the “very important” departure would “give reassurance to backbench Conservative MPs who want a proper Brexit that this was being delivered”.