Brian Monteith: Is Forth fiasco bridge too far for SNP?

The Forth Road Bridge laden with vehicles before it closed to traffic last week. Picture: Jane BarlowThe Forth Road Bridge laden with vehicles before it closed to traffic last week. Picture: Jane Barlow
The Forth Road Bridge laden with vehicles before it closed to traffic last week. Picture: Jane Barlow
Maintaining the crossing is down to Holyrood, not Westminster so the SNP have only themselves to blame, writes Brian Monteith

It has been a common refrain over the past year or two that in order to focus on winning support for a Yes vote in the first referendum our SNP government has neglected its own responsibilities to a degree bordering on recklessness. Then, not content with abdicating its duties that it has unequivocal responsibility for, as laid out in the various Scotland Acts, it has continued to contest that any wrongdoing or shortcomings of its own are the fault of Westminster in general and the Tory government in particular.

This continued priority towards campaigning rather than administering is clearly intended to build up further grievances so that demands for a second referendum remain simmering until they can be brought to the boil.

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