Coronavirus in Scotland: 248 new cases and no deaths in the past 24 hours

Asymptomatic testing rolled out in Glasgow with help from the army (Photo: John Devlin).Asymptomatic testing rolled out in Glasgow with help from the army (Photo: John Devlin).
Asymptomatic testing rolled out in Glasgow with help from the army (Photo: John Devlin).
Scotland has recorded 248 new coronavirus cases and no deaths of covid-19 patients in the past 24 hours, according to the latest data.

The death toll under this measure – of people who first tested positive for the virus within the previous 28 days – remains at 7,614.

Figures published by the Scottish Government on Monday indicate the daily test positivity rate is 2.5%, down from 2.7% on Sunday.

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A total of 2,565,280 people have received the first dose of a Covid-19 vaccination and 456,374 have received their second dose.

The Scottish Government is only publishing updates on the above data during the Easter break.