Book review: Owning the Earth by Andro Linklater

Eigg residents on their way to celebrate the anniversary of the communal purchase of the island. Picture: Jane BarlowEigg residents on their way to celebrate the anniversary of the communal purchase of the island. Picture: Jane Barlow
Eigg residents on their way to celebrate the anniversary of the communal purchase of the island. Picture: Jane Barlow
Last October Andro Linklater suffered a heart attack while Andro Linklater’s last book makes a strong case against exclusive land ownership, says Roger Hutchinson



Bloomsbuey, 496pp, £20

Last October Andro Linklater suffered a heart attack while visiting the island of Eigg. He died a week later in Edinburgh.

The youngest of the remarkable children of the Welsh-Orcadian author Eric Linklater, Andro’s own writing was as varied and colourful as his much-travelled life. After producing children’s literature and biography, a decade ago he tackled the Land Question in Measuring America, a detailed account of how the New World was carved up and sold.